Permanent residence permit in Turkey

The applicants may apply for a permanent residence permit in Turkey, provided that they meet the following items.

The applicant must reside in Turkey with a residence or work permit card for at least 8 years without interruption. ( In the calculation of continuous eight years, half of the duration of student resident permits, as stated in Law Article 38, and the full duration of all other types of residence permits shall be taken into account.)

Applicants who have not received social assistance in the past three years

Applicants who have sufficient and stable income to maintain themselves or, support their family ( if any)

Applicants or, their family ( if any)  must have a valid medical insurance

Applicants do not threaten public order or public security threat ( except the foreigners who are approved by the migration policies board)

Note: The refugees, conditional refugees, and subsidiary protection beneficiaries as well as persons under temporary protection and humanitarian residence permit holders are not entitled to the right of transfer to a long-term residence permit.

The foreigners who has a long-term residence permit may benefit from the same rights as accorded to Turkish Citizens with the exception of following issues

  • The provisions of special laws,
  • The compulsory military service,
  • The right to vote and to be elected,
  • Working for public service,
  • Exemption from customs duties when importing vehicles,

Long-term residence permits of applicants who encounter the following situations are cancelled

If the long-term residence permit holder stays out of Turkey continuously for more than one year for reasons other than health, education and compulsory public service in his/her country. 

If the long-term residence permit holder is posed a serious public security or public order threat.

General Procedures

Examination of the preliminary documents

Determination of the application eligibility

Preparation of the necessary documents

Submission of the certificate of conformity petition by using the POW

Making an appointment at the relevant immigration Office by using the POW

Submitting the application file to the immigration office

Applications are evaluated positively or negatively within 3-6 months after the appointment

Residence permit card is sent to the applicant’s address informed during the application

RL Turkey Immigration & Relocation office is going to provide up-to-date information on changes in the immigration laws and regulations.

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