Work Permit Exemption

If the conditions determiend by the Ministry of Labor are met, a work permit exemption document can be issued to the foreigner for the specified periods. 

The work permit exemption issued by the Ministry of Labor replaces the residence permit as long as it is valid.

The work permit exemption application is made online while the foreigner is in Turkey or a reference number must be obtained from the foreign representative of Turkey where the foreigner resides.

Work permit exemption applications must be done within 30 days from the entry of foreigner into Turkey, provided that the visa or visa exemption period is not exceeded.


 Work permit exemption types

Maximum Duration 

Foreigners who will work within the scope of scientific, cultural and artistic activities (Article 48/a)

1 Month


Foreigners who will come for the purpose of training on the use of goods and services which are exported from or imported to Türkiye, or for the installation, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment imported into Türkiye, for the purpose of training on the use or taking delivery of the equipment or repairing the malfunctioning tools in Türkiye (Article 48/b)

3 Months

Cross-Border Service Providers (Foreign business visitors, contract service providers, or independent professionals who are in Turkey temporarily for the purpose of providing services) (Article 48/c)

3 Months

Foreigners who do not reside in Türkiye and are members of the board of directors of joint stock companies in Türkiye, or partners of other companies who are not managers; and non-partners in these companies but are authorized to represent and bind at the highest level, to work in Türkiye (Article 48/ç)

3 Months

Those who will work in Türkiye and residing abroad and reported to be of Turkish origin by the Ministry of Interior of Türkiye, or Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye (Article 48/d)

3 Months

Foreigners who will work within the scope of sports activities (tournaments, olympic games, winter games, etc.) (Article 48/e)

4 Months

Foreigners who will do internship within the scope of approved student exchange programs which was made between Turkish universities and universities in foreign countries and approved by Council of Higher Education (YÖK) (Article 48/f)

4 Months

Foreigners who will work in seasonal agriculture and livestock jobs determined by the Directorate General of International Labour Force of Türkiye (except for foreigners who are under Temporary Protection and International Protection in Türkiye) (Article 48/g)

6 Months

Foreigners who will work in fairs and circuses that will operate outside the borders of certified tourism enterprises (Article 48/ğ)

6 Months

Foreigners who are notified by relevant public institutions and organizations that they can provide important services and contributions to Türkiye in economic, socio-cultural, technological and educational fields (Article 48/h)

6 Months

Foreigners who will work as tour operator representatives (Article 48/ı)

8 Months

Foreigners who will do internship within the scope of international student intern exchange, newly graduated intern exchange or youth exchange programs (IAESTE, AIESEC and ERASMUS+) approved by the Directorate General of International Labour Force of Türkiye (Article 48/i)

12 Months

Foreigners who come to universities or public institutions by aim to increase their knowledge and experience or to conduct research (Article 48/j)

2 Years (Limited to Education Term)

Foreign professional athletes and trainers, sports physicians, sports physiotherapists, sports mechanics, sports masseurs or masseuses and similar sports personnel, who come to Türkiye with a sports visa (Provided that the Ministry of Youth and Sports or the Turkish Football Federation has the appropriate opinion) (Article 48/k)

Contract Term with Sports Federations and Sports Clubs

Foreign seafarers (seamen) who work on ships which have received a Eligibility Approval Certificate from the relevant administration and registered in the Turkish International Ship Registry and operating outside the cabotage line (Article 48/l)

Employment/Service Contract Term

Foreigners who are assigned to programs or projects carried out within the scope of Türkiye European Union Financial Cooperation Programs (IPA, Next Generation EU etc.) (Article 48/m)

Duty Term

Foreign students enrolled in a formal education program in Türkiye, who are required to do compulsory internship with an employer within the scope of vocational education (Article 48/n)

Compulsory Internship Term

Foreigners working in schools, cultural institutions and religious institutions operating as affiliated units of diplomatic and consular representations of foreign countries in Türkiye (Article 48/o)

Duty Term

Foreigners working in the private service of people who work as diplomatic staff member, consular officer, administrative and technical staff member and consular officer in diplomatic and consular representations of foreign countries in Türkiye or international civil servants and administrative and technical personnel in international organizations in Türkiye (Article 48/ö)

Employment/Service Contract Term

Foreigners who will work in the military factories and shipyards operating under the Ministry of National Defense of Türkiye or MKE Inc. / Makine ve Kimya Endüstrisi A.Ş. (Article 48/p)

Employment/Service Contract Term

Foreign personnel, researchers or managers who will work within the Turkish-Japanese Science and Technology University (Article 48/r)

Employment Contract Term

Foreigners who are accepted specialization training on Medicine or Dentistry (through TUS, DUS or YDUS exams) (Article 48/s)

Specialization Training Term

Foreign press members who are employees of a legal entity established abroad or who have a workplace abroad and who are independent employees, coming to Türkiye for news purposes with a temporary or permanent press card

Employment/Duty Term

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